To our Students and Parents

Like so many of you, we have spent the last several weeks and months learning about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it impacts our world. For Young Brothers Taekwondo Copperfield School (YBTKD), that means understanding how it affects our instructors/coaches, students, parents, and community; and, making the necessary adjustments to our school and operations to reduce virus transmission. We have one simple objective that guides us: keeping our instructors/coaches, our students, and parents safe.

In order to accomplish our objective, we are closely following the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) and State guidelines and recommendations on the steps we can take to help prevent the spread of the virus. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of each individual person and family to follow these guidelines. Young Brothers Taekwondo Copperfield School cannot be responsible for transmission of, infection by, nor acquisition of the virus. Our school is committed to the practices recommended by the CDC and can only assure adherence to the practices and protocols shown in this document.

The purpose of our practices and protocols is to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. If you still do not feel comfortable with the following protocols, we understand and respect your decision not to attend classes physically as it is a voluntary program. As such, we are continuing to offer our virtual/online classes (via Facebook and Zoom) in order for you to continue with our programs and trainings


Cleaning and Disinfection: We ramped up cleaning services at our school. Frequently touched surfaces, bathrooms, and equipment are cleaned and disinfected multiple times per day. Hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes are available at the front entrance and in the main room for use by our instructors/coaches and students. We instruct our students and instructors on the importance of handwashing with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds. This practice is reinforced with frequent reminders. Monitoring of the restrooms has been increased to ensure adherence among students and staff during the classes.

Social Distancing: To comply and promote social distancing, we are limiting the number of nonessential visitors, volunteers, or parents at the school. Rather than stay in the school lobby during classes, we ask that parents/guardians remain in their car and pick their child(ren) up outside at the end of class whenever possible. We are enforcing social distancing during class using marks on the floor, placed at least 6 feet apart. These marks indicate where to stand/stay. Handshaking, hugs, and high fives are not allowed in order to avoid any type of contact. Please respect each other’s personal and assigned space in order for us to work together to create a safe environment.

Daily Health Checks: There will be a daily temperature check of all people entering our facility. This includes instructors, students, parents/guardians, etc. Anyone with an elevated temperature will be suspected of having a fever and turned away. No one with an elevated temperature will be permitted in the building.

Cloth Face Coverings: Face coverings are challenging for all of us to wear. In order to protect each other and to reduce the spread of the virus, face covering (masks) are required by ALL from arrival of to departure of the school. YBTKD asks for your support by complying with this requirement. We ask that all questions and comments be communicated over the phone, by email, text message, or by appointment only.

Staying Home when Appropriate: A strict travel policy for our instructors/coaches is in place, again to do what we can to help prevent the spread of the illness. We have shared specific instructions with our instructors/coaches on the importance of staying home if they feel sick or are returning from an area of the world identified as posing a coronavirus-related risk. Per CDC and State recommendations, we will ask to our instructors/coaches who have traveled to such locations or have been exposed to others who have traveled to such locations to self-quarantine for at least 14 days

All staff and students should stay home if:

They have tested positive for or are showing COVID-19 symptoms which include:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficult breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Please refer to this CDC link for more information:

They have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19. We will follow the CDC’s criteria to determine when they may return to class.

Unless mandated by the authorities, Young Brothers Taekwondo Copperfield School will remain open for classes. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and do all we can to protect you as a student, parent, or instructors/coaches. YBTKD intends for these Practices and Protocols to ensure the safety of all who attend the school. A signed copy of these Practices and Protocols is required to attend classes.


Lets Encrypt

This Certification Practice Statement ("CPS") document outlines the certification services practices for Internet Security Research Group ("ISRG") Public Key Infrastructure ("ISRG PKI").

Fight School has specialized in martial arts since 1986 and has one of the most innovative programs in the nation.



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